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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Made it to Grandads!

OK, so it's now Thursday morning. Where did we leave off?
Yesterday morning. Well I got to looking at the mileage and realized I wasn't going to have as short a driving day as I was hoping, but still a LOT shorter than it was on Tuesday. We slept in a little and got out of the Hotel around 9. The first couple hours flew right by and we stopped in Georgia's info center for a potty break. Started seeing the palm trees planted in the median in South Carolina just a hair before Georgia. We started getting a little bit of the slow-down traffic a little before lunch. I think we stopped a little after noon at a Dairy Queen in Georgia (Sara loves the south if for no other reason than the fact that there is a Dairy Queen at every exit). Then we hit more nasty stop and go traffic on 95. Then hit some really bad stopping traffic on route 301 in Florida (that was the only one that actually seemed like there might be an accident) So then we got to Spring Hill around 5pm (as the sun is shining directly in front of us into our eyes which means we can't read any signs unless we're stopped for about 15 seconds). But we found the road and Bam. That's where the trouble began. there was a gate on the road (back in the trees), and then none of the other roads seemed to be the right place. So we wandered around and saw a bunch of houses in the area but we weren't sure how to get there. We drove around a bit more and found a housing development and found more of the roads on our map that should lead to where we were going. But of course that didn't actually get to the right place either. By then Sarah had called and was trying to tell us where to go and figure out if we were going to meet her for dinner with Grandad, Mattie and Linda. So she told us where to turn off the main route and we drove around a bit more, got back out to the main route and found another community where Sarah had indicated and then it was quite easy to find their place. Well... Almost... We knew we were in front of their condo... We just didn't know which one was theirs. We had the number as 6437. Let me tell you. After about 20 minutes of cruising through the development we can tell you there is no 6437. (: So we stopped and asked a couple people and looked around (by this time it was completely dark) But we drove past about where it should be and I looked at all the cars. And I said "if Grandad still has the same car, I bet that's their place". Sure enough that's where they were. So we popped in there for a bit and then headed out to meet Sarah at our Hotel at New Port Richey. Found it, but of course they told me that someone had cancelled our reservations, and then that we had two rooms reserved before they were cancelled. I was afraid he was going to tell me that they didn't have any rooms, but we got one without issue. So we all headed down to the Olive Garden and had a nice dinner. It was after 7 before we got into the restaurant, and probably after 8 before we got food, and it was like 9:30 before we left so we were ready for bed when we got back to the Hotel. Of course we found out this morning that the high-speed internet is only available in the lobby and certain rooms(not ours) and they forgot to turn on our phone, but we got those straightened out and took Shadow for a walk out back and saw the harbor and such. Shortly we will be heading back up to Spring hill to go visit with Grandad, Mattie and Linda. Then this afternoon we will go meet up with Sarah at her place and we are going to eat at the much touted "Moe's" (at least Sarah touts it) (: So, finally a day NOT full of driving! (:

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