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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Trying some more new things

Well, things seem to be coming along fairly nicely at the moment. The website is starting to gain some substance and more changes are in order. I'm creating a few blogs for different topics. All of which should have some sort of updates directly from my site.
The other new thing I'm trying is a new technique for remembering things. It seems I tend to lose things in my memory shortly after I do them. They seem to still exist, just difficult for me to recall without a trigger. I tried writing notes or using a voice recorder, but neither of those seemed to last much more than a day. Well, I had this little mini digital camera that came with a remote control airplane that Sara got me and thought I would try and pull it out and see if it might work in this scenario. Sure enough it does work on it's own and Linux is nice enough to find it and get the pictures. They're not great pics(to say the least) but I can at least recognize it and remember what it was I was thinking(or at least I think so). I've tried it for a few days, and while I haven't come up with a lot lately, nor added the other items I've noted yet, I think it may work. I didn't take a pic of the camera, but it is pretty much the exact camera pictured. Except that instead of that keychain mine has a little mini cable that would have plugged into the airplane. But it's still small enough to just go in a pocket and then I just pull it out for about 3-5 seconds and it's back in my pocket. Quick and discrete. I hadn't decided whether or not to actually post the pictures, but I think I might just for laughs sake if nothing else. (:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute camera!