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Friday, March 28, 2008

Snow - Spring?

Well... I have something else to tell you about too... But I think I'll aim for the snow at the moment...

So... we had this day ... What more than a week ago. I think they called it: "Spring". They also say that you generally take your snow tires back off at Easter... It would be safe to say that had I done that I would not have made it down the road. Err... Actually back into the garage or out of the driveway at all...

So (yeah, I like that word) yesterday I noticed the forecast said we might get a couple inches of snow. Then as of the afternoon we had an winter weather advisory.

I snapped these pics for reference. You'll see before and after shots of my parking lot and our driveway. And one of the patio set, and a couple pretty ones of Main Street.

Now for the story so far...

Got up this morning and noticed the level of snow on the patio table. Went outside and shoveled it. It's the really wet/heavy stuff. Each shovel full probably weighs close to 50lbs. Got the walkway and path to the driveway cleared.
Backed the Prius out. Wasn't sure how it was going to handle the driveway... It started to move through, then spun. A bit of rocking and I got it out of the spot it was in. Contemplated for a minute and decided to head down the other side of the driveway that is less mushy. Luckily the plow hadn't been through yet so there wasn't a drift at the end of the driveway and I made it to the road. Followed someone else's ruts and just barely made it up over the hill.
Made it just outside of the first town and saw someone spun off the side of the road. I think they'd already walked to a nearby house (probably their own).

Continued on at a nice comfortable 35-40mph with just a bit of slipping. Passed about 2 cars. Headed down a section and JUST in time noticed that there was in fact a tree across the entire road. Had I not had the Blizzaks(snow tires) I would not have stopped in time. I stopped there and was pulling out my phone to call 911 and contemplate the next move when I saw someone coming up the other way. I flashed my lights a lot (he didn't seem to notice the tree yet). He came up on the other side and I got out and asked if he thought we could move it. We just barely managed to twist it off to the side mostly. Nicely about a minute before some idiot in a truck came right up and followed my butt the whole way in.
Got to work and noticed I had a nice section of dirt all across my coat where I was pushing the tree. Washed that off, then cleared out the front and back of the office of snow. Heard the sirens go off twice while I was out there. Also watched a pickup truck idling at the stoplight. He didn't need to use the brakes. I watched as his rear tire just slowly turned and he didn't move at all. He did somehow manage to get it moving again once the light changed though.

I think that's about it for now...

Perhaps I will tell you about the Furbies later today... (:
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