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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Buffalo Zoo - April 25th

After we left the Botanical Gardens... Oh let's see... We went in search of food. Wouldn't have thought this would have been that big a deal. But to ME, Buffalo seems very industrialized or some such thing. There are plenty of little shops, but it seems difficult to find anything like an Applebees or what not short of heading all the way up to the Galleria Mall. So we found the zoo, but not the food yet, we wound around in some somewhat sketchy looking places, and we ended up at Harry's which is right down on the water. Not the nicest day out, but it was still nice to be out on the water with the birds catching fish and what not. We were a bit worried that we were a bit under-dressed, but it wasn't too bad. There was like a piano player and what not. It took our waiter a while to get around to getting our order, but after that it was a pretty good lunch. I got a burger and Sara got a Reuben. Ahem... Sara ordered A Reuben. Apparently at this place A Reuben means THREE BIG sandwiches. He said they don't tell the customers beforehand so that they can see their face. Weird. So Sara had one, and we hoped the the other two would make it to the Hotel or what not. We need to remember to keep a small cooler in the car for restaurant leftovers.

After that we headed back to the zoo. Lots of interesting animals to see...

First off were these playful bears. The black one is a Kodiak and the brown one is a Grizzly. They were playing just like Shadow does. Big mouths open and mock-biting each other and pawing at each other. It's an interesting site. That switch of looking at them and thinking "oh, they're so cute" and then their faces change and you think "Woah, that would be scary to meet up with. They might just rip you in half". (:
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Next up was the polar bear. He just keep swimming under this rock ledge. Not really sure what he was doing under there...
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Then this spectacled bear. Don't think I've ever seen one before. He looked a bit different. Not sure if it's just his markings or not, but he didn't look all that happy to be there...
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Then a couple river otters.
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Some tigers. I forget exactly what these were...
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Then this guy. I don't recall exactly what sort of monkey or ape he was. We didn't realize he was there at first. We were just standing at the fence looking up at the other ones, then we heard something in the bushes and thought it was just another bird. Then we looked again and noticed him under there just picking stuff out of the dirt from our side of the fence.
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And a hyena. He wasn't laughing.
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Then just about at the end of our visit we were walking and came across these two big birds just walking along the normal human walking path. Seems odd that they would let them loose... Well as we came up to them they just hopped up into this pen which is the peacock pen. When they jumped in this guy just started give us a lovely display. Though he seemed to like to show us his backside and wiggle his butt more than show us his front, but he did show us a few times. Quite beautiful. (:
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And then our last stop was the Giraffe house. It was REALLY busy in there so all we got was one blurry photo of them. But here we are outside in front of the giraffe statue. (: I'm not normally one for wearing a hat, but I didn't want to burn. I think I'm going to have to get used to it.
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