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Friday, April 08, 2011

Axle nut and Neutral

Well, I tried to get the locking bolt for the axle nut to work. It's that stupid M7x1 bolt that seems to be the odd one that no one uses. Near impossible to find short of buying a new axle nut with bolt for like $10+$10 shipping.

I got as near as I could find in a standard size and hoped to rethread it. I think it may be a hair too large or something as it really doesn't want to go into the die.

I ended up having to run the tap through the nut just to get anything to thread into it and then I tried the hex head M7 bolt. It went in, but prettymuch just submerged itself and still wasn't tight enough. I think I may try to slot the bolt next.

Either that or I'm just going to have to make an hour trip to pick one up from a couple craigslist responses.

Noticed that the transaxle that I had filled(overfilled by normal standards) was leaking out of the input shaft and gear selector. I decided to try on getting the last bearing(s) to come loose. (It was still stuck in 3rd). I put it in 4th and started rocking the bug back and forth again. I was getting rather tired and it wasn't showing any signs of loosening up after like 30 seconds. But then... Is it just me or is it doing something a bit different? It kinda seems like it's moving a bit more... Woah... I think it's actually turning! Sure enough, Neutral is now there! So, other than reverse being a bit iffy... It won't stay in reverse on it's own and it kinda clicks... Not sure how that's going to play out with an engine in there...

Also put a hole into the front of the tunnel to route the brake line. Hopefully that will get done today.

I think that's about it...

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