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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Brakes all but done!

So yesterday I put the T in the brake lines and thought about bleeding the brakes, but knew I was going to have to replace the backing plates so figured I might as well do that first. First one was pretty straight forward. I could see on the used parts I got how the E-brake hardware goes together and the cable goes through the back.
I also noticed that Mid America VW parts sent me 2 right hand E-brake cable clips and no left one. Oh well, I had a used one that worked.
Not entirely sure about what's what with parts at the wheel bearing there. The manual says something about replacing a gasket or O-ring, but I don't really see where one would need to be replaced while taking off the backing plate...

Then the left side...
Well, when the outer bearing/cover(again, still not entirely sure what's what there) there's definitely part of a seal or something that's in pieces. That might explain why that side is rather greasy. I figure for now I'll just bolt it back together and either look it up and see if I can figure out what's supposed to be there/what I need, or just wait for it to get worse and replace it.

Then the used backing plate. The adjusters seemed pretty seized. Which was odd since while these used ones had some rust, they were nowhere near as rusty and full of mud as the ones I had. So I mounted them so that I could get more leverage. I managed to get the bolts out, but the teethed adjusters... No such luck. They were quite solidly stuck. Much frustration.

So... I went back and looked at my old backing plate on that side. That one wasn't broken through anywhere. So decided to use it, and the set of adjusters that the used seller included on a third backing plate. Not sure if that's from the front or some other bug, it only has 3 holes for mounting.

So, finally, everything back together and I bled out the brakes.

Sure enough, I still need to attach the cables to the handle, but I can pull on either one and stop the wheel and the brake pedal brakes all 4!

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