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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Been a while

OK, so it's been a while.  As I figured I never quite seem to keep up and upate this stuff.

Anyway, I saw Transporter 2 a while ago.  That one was pretty cool.  Not entirely believable of course, but pretty good.  The height of unbelievableness came when he takes off with a bomb on the bottom of his car.  Well, he gets it off by going through a shipyard, hitting some ramp, and rolling the car as he's flying up in the air, and this crane hook whacks the bomb off the bottom of the car just as it explodes.  But anyway, it was a fun movie.

Then the other night we saw Million Dollar Baby.
That was... Well..  I guess the answer is that it was good for a Clint Eastwood movie.  He makes movies that get awards.  Movies that are like real life and without happy endings.  Well, I prefer my movies with a nice happy ending.  I enjoy happiness whether it's real or not!  Oh well, at least it had a better story than Unforgiven.  I think that was the first one he did that was a real stupid western where everyone dies.

Other than that.  Well, we were headed to Sara's parents in Clymer last weekend and just about the time we hit Salamanca (about 60 miles from Hornell) I noticed some white coming out the back of the car.  I'm like.  Hmm, wonder what that is...  Flat tire, frozen brake, rear diff out of fluid...  Seemed odd that the car was still handling fine.  Got out, looked back there, could tell and then.  "oh, it's coming from the front of the car.  That's not smoke it's steam."  So, figure I better check the temp gauge and sure enough it was just starting to peg so I shut the car off.  Went up front, but couldn't tell where it was coming from with all the steam.  I didn't see any obvious leaks from hoses or the radiator, etc...  Noticed the overflow tank was still about full, so I unbolted it with my leatherman and poured some into the radiator.  It immediately started pouring out the center of the engine.  "Crud.  That's gotta be either the water pump or a head gasket.  Neither of which is going to allow me to drive."  Looked a little more and realized the heads were farther over, so it had to be the water pump.  So, called dad who luckily hadn't started painted the kitchen yet.  He brought the trailer over and Mom brought the cruiser so we could still make our trip to Clymer.  Which turned out to be better than we thought since Lee(Sara's brother) actually showed up for his birthday.  (Thank goodness for family!).

So, that kinda sucked, but we just kept repeated...  "At least this didn't happen on our 3K mile Florida trip".  Though I was thinking and it seems it must have been within about 100+ miles since we got back...  But it still really sucked, since besides all the vehicle switching.  (Also thanks to Granny since I had to borrow her Cruiser from Sunday night to Tuesday)  But, the sucky part was that I had just paid about $230 for changing the timing belt before we went to Florida, and now it was another $320 to do the same job again, but replace the water pump instead of the timing belt.  Oh well, at least it wasn't on the florida trip, and we didn't blow the engine.

Either way, that's the first time we've ever had to call someone to come get us in either Subaru.  Not bad since mine has 212K miles, and Sara's has about 130K....  And they're both about 10 years old...

Ahh, what else.  Well we got to go to a fun Birthday party for Jake Sunday night.  Though we're still waiting for one of his gifts to arrive so we can give it to him!
And of course we still VERY much enjoy seeing and holding Vivian!  Though for some reason I have only really had a couple sick-free days since I got back from Florida (luckily I held Vivian during that time).  But, I *think* I'm almost better again from this lingering throat/nasal thing.  Got to hurry up since it's also been holding me off from giving blood.  That sucks cause I probably can't get my 6 donations/year in this year.  Oh well...

Umm..  Oh, I updated my laptop which is running Linux ( Simply Mepis 3.4-3 RC3) to the latest "testing" software yet again which is obviously a bit iffy.  Especially since i don't know as much I should about what I'm doing.  Either way I screwed it up so it required more thought.  Well, actually I wasn't running the most current version and I was thinking it was about time to upgrade.  So I went ahead and installed the current version for a day, but I wanted the "Mepis" version which included the KAquarium, and in general just a nice fresh clean install, so I re-did it the next day and this time just wiped out that partition.  But things seem to be working pretty well, other than apparently my wireless card is now not as compatible as it was.  I suppose it doesn't really matter as most likely anyone reading this won't know what I'm talking about anyway.  (:

Well, hope everyone has a great day!

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