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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Where are we now?

OK, so this "resort" doesn't have high-speed but I'll try to get something up here.


Miami, I think that's where we left off. So, we got out of the hotel and found a beach that leads out to another key East of Miami. This was a good bit better with sand and nicer stuff to walk on. However, there is a good bit of trash and stuff on the beach. But still a lot better than Anne's beach down in the other keys. Quite a bit busier as well. We were hoping New Years Day would be slow, but it seemed everyone was out enjoying the beach. We found a little bar/restaurant across the road and had a little picnic lunch on the beach and waded out a bit, so that was kinda fun. This beach had shells and things as well, so I picked up a few.

Then we headed up to Kissimmee where we are now. Didn't have too much trouble finding the place other than there being 3 (at least) Howard Johnsons on the road we were looking for ours so we had to go a ways to find the one we were staying at. BUt that's ok as it's a lot closer to Disney than the others. So it was dark, and we just got a couple subs and stayed in the Hotel.

So yesterday we went to Epcot. This was definitely a good place to go. I would have to say that was a day full of fun. Other than my feet hurting from walking all day (the curse of flat feet), but it was fun nonetheless. Shadow didn't seem to mind the Kennel TOO much at first, and didn't mind going back after a walk, but once she realized we were leaving her there a second time she wasn't too happy. And then she was HYPER HYPER to get out of there last night. There's a ton of stuff I'll probably write about the rides and such, but I think I'm going to try to keep this a little shorter for the moment as I'm not quite feeling as good as I would hope. We were going to try to go to Universal for most of the day today before heading to Ruffinos, but I seem to have some stomach/digestive issues so I'm trying to take things a bit slow. Not feeling TOO bad, but moving too much doesn't feel all that great.

So at the moment we're trying to figure out what exactly we're doing today.

But I'll still say the trip is going well!

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