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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Ahh, well I'm sure there's been other things, but the latest bit of fun and newness has been geocaching.  Geocaching in itself isn't new.  And I've known about it for some time.  But I never actually got around to looking into it much.  Well, the last couple weeks I starting looking around and finding local caches and started getting rather excited about it.  So...  Finally this last weekend we got out and did a few.  We were heading to Clymer so we didn't do any "real" caches out in the woods with items, but we grabbed the one in Addison while picking up oil, and one at the rest stop in Kanona on the way to Hornell, and one in Jamestown.  We were going to do it when we got over there Saturday, but there were too many people around so we got it Sunday on our way back.  That one was my favorite since the gps led me right to the spot and a quick look around and I found it!  These three were just micro ones though so it's basically just find it, sign your name, then log it on the website.
Here's a link to our profile where you can check out which caches we've found (and I'll probably plant one of my own at some point).

Still got to grab the one at Wal-mart too.  We drove up to it, but again, too many people around.  You're not supposed to show others where they are (so they don't just take off with it).  Plus they tend to worry about you when you're walking around with an electronic device and then pulling little canisters from benches and things... (:

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